"I finally finished my scene planner, and just today my chapter planner. I am so excited about my book! Thank you for the course, I really enjoy doing it and sparking my imagination to crazy levels." Amalia van Dyk
Analysis by the IMF indicates that remote workers cope better in recessions than individuals working for companies reliant on bricks-and-mortar premises, with fewer losing jobs. Individuals who are able to work from home are generally highly skilled and better educated and therefore less vulnerable. A reminder of the importance of continual learning.
The eight module WriteSmarter Creative Writing Course is designed to lead you from finding a suitable story spark to finishing a full-length manuscript. The ultimate goal is not only publication of your novel or short story by a reputable publisher or magazine, but also to transform you into an independent writer.
You need:
* The desire to become an accomplished writer.
* Easy access to a computer and email.
* A love for books and stories.
What are the benefits?
* Quality course material and writing aids that you will refer to many times during your writing career.
* Detailed, personalised feedback and guidance by an experienced writer/editor on all aspects of your writing, within seven days of submitting your assignment.
* Sympathetic treatment, as we too were aspiring writers once.
* The freedom to start anytime and to work whenever and wherever suits you.
* Individual attention as you work on a one-on-one basis with your tutor.
* Enough time to complete your writing course and manuscript at your own pace.
* Affordable payment plans ensure that you can pay according to your budget.
Why should I enrol for a writing course?
* The publishing industry has become so specialised it's not easy for aspiring writers to be successful.
* Publishers are in the publishing business and just can't afford the time and the effort to tutor and help develop new authors.
* At WriteSmarter we share our expertise and contacts with our student writers in order to help place promising manuscripts.
How will WriteSmarter help grow my confidence as a writer and develop my technical skills? We use our tried and tested Eight Module Plan with its structured format which builds step by step from story spark to completed manuscript. This, together with detailed and clear, easy to understand feedback, is your best way forward on the road to writing success.
How to write a book becomes less mystifying if you're equipped with this interactive Eight Module Online Creative Writing Program. An integrated approach is followed during which you brainstorm, plan and write an outline for your novel or short story while you master the necessary writing techniques and skills. The end goal is a completed manuscript that complies with all the requirements for publishing success. Along the way you will receive quality study material and writing aids, as well as continuous guidance and feedback by a published author.
Module 1: Points of Departure
- Study the Golden Rules for a successful story.
- Analyse the requirements of your target market.
- Master five practical writing secrets.
- Learn from the opposition.
- Switch on the ideas machine …
Assignment: Utilize story sparks and free writing.
Module 2: Planning & Preparation
- Expand your vocabulary, power of expression and language usage.
- Study the five components of a successful story.
- Find out how to apply the three acts formula.
- Learn from successful storylines.
- Explore the story framework.
Assignment: Create story material using the Five Minute Method and the Story Plan.
Module 3: Characters & Dialogue
- WRITING AID: Develop convincing, exciting, living, breathing characters.
- Utilise the connections between character and plot.
- Find your characters’ “own voice”.
- Study guidelines for effective dialogue and practice them.
Assignment: Develop a lifelike character with an own agenda, dreams and fears.
Module 4: Setting & Point of View
- Determine the impact of setting on a story.
- Choose and develop a setting that will further your plot.
- Study the secrets of point of view.
- Experiment with different points of view.
Assignment: Apply the principles of point of view.
Module 5: Strong Beginnings
- Find out where and how a scene begins and ends.
- Explore the conditions for effective scenes.
- Utilise the building blocks of a strong manuscript: ten winning scenes, show and tell, etc.
- Learn to write an opening scene that WORKS.
- Find out how an effective first chapter is put together.
Assignment: Write a strong beginning.
Module 6: Develop a Scene Plan
- Plan a convincing, conflict-riddled plot.
- Structure your story with a chapter plan.
- WRITING AID: Simplify the writing process with a scene plan.
- Find out how to complete your manuscript with stimulus and response.
Assignment: Write a complete scene utilising stimulus and response.
Module 7: Cliffhangers & Jump Cuts
- Apply winning techniques to create winning scenes.
- Structure effective scenes.
- Plan and write a motivated ending.
- Develop and write effective cliffhangers.
- Utilise jump cuts and leaps in time.
Assignment: Apply jump cuts and cliffhangers.
Module 8: Publishers & Contracts
- Editing and structuring.
- Liven up your writing style with clean-cut metaphors.
- Write a killer cover letter and synopsis.
- Find out about publishers and contracts.
- Make it as a real writer …
Assigment: Complete a winning submission including a cover letter, synopsis and manuscript for a reputable publishing house.
* You will receive a welcome letter with the full payment plans and banking details.
* Immediately following your first or full payment you will receive the first module.
* Please note that your enquiry places you under no obligation to enrol.
"Thank you so much for your feedback and all your wonderful help these last eight months. Thank you for all the positive comments and the detailed help." Johanni Ackermann
"I'm pleased that you are so exacting and precise in your commentary." Tamarinda Schreuder
"The course has opened my eyes to things I never even considered before. It helped my writing 100 percent." Monique Majendie
"Thank you so much, it is like a light bulb switching on." Tracy-Lee Eckstein
"I appreciate your comments and advice. This course is the best thing I could ever have invested in!" Angela van Druten
"I appreciate the feedback so much. Now I'm really glad that I signed up for this course." Abongile Tyopo
"The feedback is both positive and constructive." Chris Asals
"I have learned a great deal about writing and I appreciate all your help." Anthony Southby
"Thank you for the detailed feedback. I can feel the growth even as I write this." Themba Ntuli
"I feel that I have found someone who can help me shift my writing to the next level." Michelle Bode
"I was battling to set a proper scene. Your story writing course is just what I needed." Leon Steyn
"I implemented the changes you recommended and you were so right." Coleen Kennedy
"It is wonderful having a mentor to guide me and make suggestions. I never want this course to end." Geoff Erasmus
"I really enjoyed this module. It was a lot to take in but I learned so much." Ntombi Langa
"It feels as if my brain has been kick-started." Mariska Heyns
"Just finished reading through your comments. It's good to feel your guidance and support." Suzel Pilou
"Thank you so much for helping me get closer to my dream. I have not had so much fun in years." Brigitte Kearns
"I was amazed at how 'punchy' some of the paragraphs became after you altered them!" Costa Pantazis
"You won't believe what an awesome time I had doing this course." Mariki Naude
"It is the best money I have ever spent." Vicki Smith
Dankie vir die terugvoering en hoe jy dit gee. Ek vind die kursus interessant, motiverend en uitdagend, en wens net ek het al hierdie inligting al jare terug gehad. Om in te skryf vir jou kursus was een van my beste besluite ooit.
Yvette Bester
Jy het geen idee hoe baie ek al klaar geleer het vandat ek met hierdie kursus begin het nie, jy het regtig geen idee nie. So baie dankie vir al jou hulp.
Judy de Bruin
Ek geniet die kreatiewe skryfkursus baie en sien dat dit totaal anders is as om feitelike beriggewing vir die koerant te skryf. Baie dankie vir die goeie kommentaar op die vorige werkstuk. Gert Kruger
Baie dankie vir jou kommentaar, dis in die kol ... ek is oopkop in die ding in, en doen dit absoluut vir die pret en om myself te ontwikkel, en neem nie kritiek persoonlik op nie.
Sanél Hopkins
Dis amper soos om 'n nuwe taal aan te leer. Elke konsep wat jy snap, maak skielik tien deure oop! As ek nou die opdrag moes oordoen, sou ek reeds baie dinge verander het. Ek sal 'n paar dae lank rustig deur alles gaan en aan die storie skaaf. Daarna sal ek wegspring met module 2. Sien reeds uit daarna. Molly Lubbinge
Die kinderboekkursus is regtig opwindend en dis my plan om teen die einde ’n volledige manuskrip te hê. Albert Short
Baie dankie vir jou terugvoer, ek het al baie soorte kursusse gevolg en joune staan kop en skouers bo die res uit. Plus, jou terugvoer beantwoord elke keer alles waaroor ek gesit en wonder het terwyl ek skryf. Die enigste probleem is ek wil nie hê die kursus moet ooit ophou nie, ek geniet dit te veel. Melanie Pienaar
Jou terugvoer het my van vooraf geïnspireer. Dankie vir die moeite wat jy doen en die tyd wat jy spandeer aan my probeerslae. Jou wenke is die vuurhoutjies wat die kers aan die brand hou. Celia du Plessis
Ek waardeer jou kursus en al die moeite wat jy doen. Dit bring die realiteit na vore sonder om my op moedverloor se vlakte te laat sit, dit laat my vars en anders dink. Beslis die koste deur en deur werd. Elizma Coetzee
My woorde lyk nie meer soos 'n vervelige rytjie wasgoed aan 'n lang draad nie. Elsabé Bester
Lees vir ontspanning ontaard nou in 'n kritiese ontrafeling van teks, karakters en skryfstyl. Ek geniet dit terdeë. Johan Nel
Ek het deur jou terugvoer op my werkstuk gegaan. Dis absoluut wonderlik! Ek is al moedeloos met vriende en familie wat nie objektiewe terugvoer kan gee nie. Ek leer geweldig baie by jou. Erica Pretorius
As stokperdjieskrywer wil ek dankie sê vir al die hulp. Vandag, jare na ek vir die kursus ingeskryf het, blaai ek steeds deur die modules en terugvoer en kry sonder uitsondering nog iets wat my skryfwerk verryk. Dit sluit wenke sowel as motivering in. Jan Bonthuys
Jou kursus, en die storie wat jy vir my geredigeer het, was van onskatbare waarde, dis ongelooflik hoe baie 'n mens leer wanneer jy deur 'n geredigeerde weergawe van jou eie storie werk. Antoinette Venter
Die kursusse het vir my oneindig baie beteken. Ek gebruik elke dag in my werk van die dinge wat ek geleer het. Dit het ook vir my die moed gegee om te waag en te skep. Ek het so baie oor myself geleer. Henriëtte Louw
Almal wat wonder of hulle kan skryf, moet hierdie kursusse volg. Ek het ongelooflik baie selfvertroue gekry en ek kon met elke module sien hoe my skryfwerk verbeter. Suretha Brits
Ek merk dat die meeste van jou studente melding maak van jou positiewe houding en aanmoediging - dis waar. Marinda van Niekerk
Ek voel dat ek met 'n doel werk en dat elke werkopdrag op 'n gehalteproduk afstuur. Melodie Veldhuizen
Jy verdien 'n pronkveer vir jou skryfkursus. Daar is 'n logiese opbou van module tot module sodat selfs 'n leek soos ek in staat is om die legkaartstukke bymekaar te sit.
Rita Hofmeyr
Skryfgeheime voel vir my soos die deurgang na 'n nuwe lewenswyse. Dankie vir jou kommentaar op my werkstukke en vir jou aanmoediging. Willem Fourie
Ek het nog nooit 'n skrywer ontmoet wat my so effektief help nie.
Elna Nieuwoudt
Alles wat jy uitgelig het, was presies dit waarmee ek gesukkel het. Dit het heeltyd vir my gevoel daar kort iets, 'n "twist". Ek het ook gevoel my storie benodig ’n opwindende verandering, dit was net te "veilig". Ek is so opgewonde en sien uit daarna om verder daaraan te werk. Yolandi Odendaal
'n Mens is huiwerig om te sien wat iemand anders van jou werk dink, maar nou kan ek nie wag om al die wenke toe te pas nie. Alta van Niekerk
Jy groei baie as mens. In jouself en
ook in jou interaksie met mense. Jy leer besef die impak van woorde.
Elmarie Schultz
Ek was so verras toe ek die terugvoer
kry en sien jy kraak nie 'n ou se werk af nie. Marieta Thünemann
Ek gaan dit geniet om ou breinpatrone uit te vee en nuwes te maak. Ek voel glad nie meer afgetree nie.
Troula Goosen
Ek het verskriklik baie geleer oor myself, ander mense én die skryfambag. Jou verbeeldingryke prikkelvrae en praktiese skryftegnieke is die perfekte kombinasie. Riëtte Botma
Die kursus was so insiggewend en verrykend, ek het ongelooflik baie geleer. Myself dikwels bevraagteken en gewonder of ek ooit die ding onder die knie gaan kry. Maar ek is nie iemand wat maklik moed opgee nie en ook nie bang om te waag nie. Dankie vir al die handvashou. Adelle von Ronge Kotze
Die kursus het ander wêrelde en deure oopgemaak. Hoop om binnekort met die kinderboekkursus of joernalistiek te begin. Monja Beyers